Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2015

next project: Locker

never did something with the driveline... my first project will be a locker in the front.
For simplicity reasons I´ve chosen a lunchbox auto-locker so i don´t have to mess with the ring andpinion etc.

after some pseudo-research I think everyone is happy with an Aussie-Locker.

I just ordered one today

I think this is 300 Euro including tax and postage. Should be worth the money.


 ... strange but turned out it was just one clogged main jet...

I cannot tell for sure, 'cause i forgot the possibly clogged jets on the hood while test-driving others...

kicked the spare carb which is a peace of shit (from the ebay motorcraft carb guy)

but who cares. the rig is on the road again.

Sonntag, 24. Mai 2015

Strange timing gremlins

suddenly severe hesitation brought me to dive into that motor thing deeper.
After a stop i suddenly had no power after all. That thing hardly managed to climb little hills.
The quest began (and is still on...)

Motor needs:

I suddenly lost 10° of timing with the dizzy still firm on its place (used to be 10° BTDC, now was 0°)
Adjusted that - no luck.
Checked for sloppy timing chain and found it about 12° - so I decided to replace it.
in the first try I used too little sealer, so I had a massive oil leak in the front.

The second time I used black RTV and the oil went away. Timing chain play was now about 4-5°.
Still hesitation and no power.
Idles great so no major issue with the chain now I think.

New HEI-Dizzy - same thing.
Initial timing is 11°. Vac is working. Centrifugal advace also kicks in.

The idle gets worse with every spark cable I remove. So I assume every cylinder gets its spark.
Spark plugs regapped from 0.050 to 0.040".

Switched in a spare carburetor (new Motorcraft 2150) - same thing.
New fuel filter - same thing

Armed with a can of carb-cleaner I went for vac-leakes. Found nothing.
I suppose the intake is firm - check for that later.
Vac on manifold is about 17.7 inHg. Falling when I rev the engine and coming up again - so no clogged exhaust.

Yesterday I did a dry compression test using a bad fitting tester and without opening the throttle wide while starting. In fact I got some pretty bad results.
1 - 90
2 - 90
3 - 70
4 - 85
5 - 90
6 - 80

This makes no sense, so I repeat this test dry and wet with WOT and a better tester.

so fucked.

Montag, 20. April 2015

First severe offroad-experience

Yesterday we were out for some serious offroading. The motor did a very good job climbing the highest hills still pulling strong. Reving almost up to 4000 rpm.

No mercy!!!